Category: Facts and Information about India


List of Freedom Fighters of India who Died for Independence

Indian Independence Movement was carried out by many groups, organizations, dynasties and individual people. They carried out the movement depending on their ideology. Some followed the path of non-violence and others believed that Britishers can only be chased out of...

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10 Important places In Indian Independence Movement

The story of the struggle of the Indian Independence Movement one of the longest in the world. It took nearly 90 years to persuade the British out of India although small skirmish, revolts, and fights were already started prior to...

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The Real History of Koh-I-Noor Diamond: The King of All Diamonds

“Koh-I-Noor” diamond is the world’s largest diamond and in English, the word Koh-i-Noor means “Mountain of Light”. Throughout the history of Koh-i-Noor diamond, it has been the center of debate and controversies and nowadays the sole debate is that it...

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Tourism, Health and Harmony: Special trains run by Indian Railways.

Railways are the most common and cheapest means of transportation around the globe. India being a developing country, railways have always played a crucial role in shaping Indian economy. The first train in India ran from Mumbai to Thane in...

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10 Things about largest highway project in India: The Golden Quadrilateral

India is one of the largest countries in the world and the second most populated country in the world after China. To support the increasing demand for raw material and finished goods, it requires a well-developed transportation system. Every year nearly...

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