Effect of Article 370 & Laws Not Applicable in Jammu & Kashmir
Whenever there is a discussion about law and order in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, a blame game starts and both sides (State of Jammu & Kashmir and the Indian Government) accuses each other of deteriorating the law and order situation of the state. Article 370 is also accused of entire mess and few people came up with their own laws, even if they are non-existing.
The article 370 is one of the main reason for current tug of war as it empowers the state of Jammu & Kashmir to make the laws for state and to decide which of the Indian laws should be applied in the state. There are other parts of constitution/person which are also responsible for the present condition of the state. Also, there are many misconception and rumors about the article 370 so we are presenting you some facts about the article 370 and a list of laws that are applicable in India but not in the state of Jammu & Kashmir.
What is article 370 Guaranteed By Constitution of India
Read Also: Amount of Money Spent by India on Jammu & Kashmir
The Article 370 is defined under Part XXI of the Indian Constitution which deals with Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions. Though in this part (Part XXI) special provision are given to the states of Maharashtra, Gujrat, Nagaland, Assam, Manipur, Sikkim, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh and Goa, the special power and provision of J & K are nowhere when compared. Article 370 restricts Indian parliament to make any laws for the state and it can only preside over the subjects like Defense, External Affairs, finance, and communication. Laws related to union and concurrent list in J & K can be passed only after consultation with the state government.

Major damage to the state has been caused by article 370 and article 35A of the constitution of India.
Article 35A of Indian Constitution: The Article 35A has harmed the state as much as the article 370. It was passed by then the Prime Minister of India Mr. Jawahar Lal Nehru by the name “Order of 1954” and then added to the constitution as article 35A. This article is criticized for its insertion in the constitution as it was not added to the Constitution by following the procedure prescribed for amendment of the Constitution of India and therefore, it violates the Constitutional procedures established by law. The article 35A deals with many important subjects like citizenship of the state, employment, accusation of property and scholarship. It is said that to abolish article 370 first government should repeal article 35A.

Sheikh Abdullah again became the Chief Minister of the state following the 1974 Indira-Sheikh accord.
Indira-Sheikh accord of 1974: Another jolt to the integration of Jammu & Kashmir in India was the 1974 Indira-Sheikh accord according to which: a) The State will continue to be governed by Article 370 of the Constitution of India. b) Residuary powers of legislation shall remain with the State. c) It is agreed that the State Government can review the laws made by Parliament or extended the law to the State or not. [wp_ad_camp_1]
Let’s take a look at the laws that are not applicable (altered) in the state of Jammu & Kashmir.
1) Indian Penal Code is not applicable in the state. Instead of IPC, they have RPC which stands for Ranbir Penal Code. The Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir is for 6 years whereas for rest of India it is 5 years. Also till 1965, J&K had a Sadr-e-Riyasat for Governor and Prime Minister in place of Chief Minister.
2) Prevention of Corruption Act of 1988 is not applicable in the state. This act was passed to fight against corruption in government agencies and public sector businesses in India.
3) The Religious Institution Act of 1988 is not applicable in the state. This law prohibits religious institutions from allowing their premises for the promotion of political activity and storing of Arm and Ammunition.

The Religious Institution Act of 1988 is not applicable in Valley and therefore many of the mosques were used for political activities and militants used loud-speakers to threaten Kashmiri Pandits
4) The Delhi Special Police Establishment Act of 1946 is not applicable. The power of CBI is derived from this act and thus J&K is outside the preview of CBI.
[wp_ad_camp_3]5) The Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education Act of 2009 is again not applicable in the state of J & K. This act describes/implements the importance of free and compulsory education for children between the age of 6 and 14 in India.

The Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education Act of 2009 which guarantees compulsory education for children is not applicable.
6) Only Permanent Resident (P.R) of the state are allowed to purchase immovable property in the state. Although the residents of Jammu & Kashmir are allowed to own property outside the state and the important thing is that the definition of Permanent Resident is itself biased. The State of Himachal Pradesh has a similar restriction but those are none when compared to J & K. It is to be noted that a person who is not permanent Resident of J&K is denied State Employment, right to scholarship, and cannot vote in the state legislature election. Refugees can vote in parliament but not in Assembly or Local body’s election (Read the reason here).

The Definition of Permanent Resident (P.R) of the state is very biased and draws a lot of criticism. Image Source: dailymail.co.uk
7) The Political Reservation of Scheduled Tribes is not there in J& K though there is 11.9% ST in the state.
[wp_ad_camp_4]8) The State has refused to accept the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act by which the word “Secular” was added to the Preamble of India Constitution.

The preamble of the constitution of India and Jammu and Kashmir. It is easily noted that the word “SECULAR” is missing.
9) The Central driven laws like the Wealth Tax, Gift Tax, and intermarriage with other Indian Nationals cease to exist in J & K. The Service Tax is not applicable in J&K, it has its own Service Tax. [wp_ad_camp_5]
10) Discrimination against Women of State: Women in the state faces the most discrimination because if a woman holds a P.R (Permanent Resident) certificate and marries a man who does not have a PR (Non-Kashmiri/Indian Citizen) then she loses her P.R certificate and if she is working with state government then her services are terminated. Surprisingly women from outside of J&K who do not hold PR Certificate get one by marrying men from the state. It is to be noted here if a woman marries a man who does not hold a PR certificate then she can retain the property but same cannot be transferred to her heirs. In 2002 High Court ruling made it clear that a woman will remain a PR even after marriage to a non-PR, and enjoy all the rights of a PR. But then People’s Democratic Party government, led by Mehbooba Mufti, passed a law to overturn the court judgment by introducing a Bill styled “Permanent Residents (Disqualification) Bill, 2004”. Not only Mufti’s but also Omar Abdullah’s party, the National Conference, backed this Bill and got it passed in the lower house of the assembly.

The J&K laws clearly discriminate between men and women. If a woman marries a man who does not hold a PR certificate then she can retain the property but same cannot be transferred to her heirs.
11) In the State every legislator and Judge, including the Chief Justice and Chief Minister is required to swear by the constitution of Jammu & Kashmir and not that of India.
12) It is due to article 370 that Indian Parliament cannot increase or reduce the borders of the state. Due to this India is not able to settle the case related to Aski Chin as it is a territory of J & K.

Indian Government hands are tied in terms of Aski Chin as due to the provision of article 370 which states that state boundaries cannot be altered.
13) After the Delhi Gang Rape of 2012 parliament passed the Criminal Law which is again not applicable in J&K.
14) RTI (Right to Information) is not applicable in the state and it has its own RTI.
15) Part of Indian Constitution that are not applicable in Jammu & Kashmir
- Article 31C with respect to Directive Principles of State Policy.
- Article 36-51 relates to Uniform Civil Code.
- Article 51A which lays down the fundamental duties of every citizen of India.
- Article 332 which deals with reservation of Scheduled Caste/Tribes in the State legislature.
We can see how few provision of the constitution has converted the state from paradise on the Earth to a chaotic place. Many diplomats have suggested a solution for ongoing crises but the real issue is even if you even start the discussion of Kashmir and article 370 it is interpreted in other sense and then a game of majority/minority, Hindu/Muslim begins. It is to be noted the state of J & K is heavily dependent on Central Government for funds and in return the state is not able to repay back the money collected from tax. So we can summarize that the provisions of article 370, article 35A and cheap politics has created a state which is heavily dependent on the Government of India for funds and in return the Indian Government cannot make laws for that state and if made they are altered or not applied.
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no half truths please….
How can you say we have presented half truth? Do say words, if you have data show us otherwise accept the truth.
B KaleSo the Indians would be happy to have their country the way the British put their Empire in India toetgher. What are you trying to say, that India reconstitute that? You would have to include Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim (oops! Forgot India already grabbed that last one). You would also have to step on China’s toes for parts of Tibet (oh, you are doing that already in AP). You would have thought that the Indians would be grateful to the British for India’s large landmass, the English language, the railways, civil service and common law but they often grumble about the British. If there was one mistake the British made it is the following. From my understanding of the history of Indian and Pakistani independence there was a lot of movement of Muslims in one direction and Hindus in the other just before independence. There was communal fighting and many died.But back to the present. There is precedence for large minorities to break away from unwieldy country setups. The Americans and NATO started it in the former Yugoslavia and The Russians played mid-wife and delivered South Ossetia from Georgie.Likewise, as the Indians got their independence from Britain, I think the Kashmiris should be given the opportunity to VOTE for theirs. And it should not be a restricted poll as that would be biased. The real will of the current voter population should be reflected in the final tally not the least worse of a restricted choice.Think about it if India grants Kashmir independence she would have a buffer state between yourselves and Pakistan. India could remove a large number of troops there and with the savings improve the already fast growing Indian economy. India could also spend more time and resources cultivating cultural, diplomatic and economic ties with fellow S. Asian countries.
@admin… Kashmir is not dependent on India in any way… like the British drained India same is doing India now… and and ma dear.. it is the art 370 with which the then pm Nehru accessed the state. we have our power projects which are now under illegal accession of NHPC and .. it is not the dirty politics here which has turned this paradise into hell .. it is because of the lawslike AFSFA which hinders normal life. we are independent dear admin. but we just want freedom of mind which is still missing.
@Umar, Kashmir is dependent on India in the same way as rest of Indian states is dependent on Center for its funding. If you don’t believe then go ahead and read the interview of Omar Abdullah with NDTV where he himself accepted the funding and lack of revenue generation in the state. If you are not about to find then we can give you the link. Nehru Didn’t accessed the state but Maharaja pleaded to help and then the Kashmir was added to India. Next about AFSPA, do you know why it was implemented in state so late? AFSPA is not only in J & K but in eastern India too but there it has been since 1958 and in Kashmir it was after 1990 when mass exodus of Kashmiri Pandit took place which was initiated by you peace loving valley people. Truth is truth and freedom of mind can be achieved by peaceful work not by stone pelting on Soldiers
Anonymous. I completely agree with you. The AFSPA as it stnads today is still be not able to bring Kashmir under control and see that peace prevails. In fact a complete blanket on Media should be imposed. Take the results when there was ban on cell phone in Kashmir, the number of incidents were very miniscule as compared to the ones today. Apart from the IAS babus, I propose that let the entire Parliament be shifted to Kashmir. Does the govt have the guts to do this. One more thing any reduction in powers of AFSPA would be a shot in the Arm for the Separatist and the ISI and a shot in the heart of every brave Jawan in kashmir. Our brave boys would be butchered. I also feel that this a ploy by the present minority boot licking govt to appease the muslims not only in Kashmir but also in Pakistan!!!!!!
who made that power project???
@admin suppose if I am ua Jamairaja thn obvio I ll also lose PRC..u r an admin n u dnt hve basic undrstanding dat losing PRC is nt against d women bt against all those indian fucking ppl who wnt to buy land here to escape dat scorching heat of rest of d india.
@Sajad, first of all behave your language its not a platform to show your abusing skill you can do that anywhere else. Second Abusing any citizen of India is like abusing yourself as your are an Indian too whether you acknowledge it or not and currently the facilities enjoyed by you are because of money spend by Indian Government so at least acknowledge that. For Indian or any other person Kashmir is not a “cooler” or A.C to escape heat there are many hill station in India that are not in J & K and they are even cooler than J & K. If you have a strong point to put regarding this issue then you are most welcome but if you think by abusing India or its citizen your are going to prove your point then my friend next time your comment would be blocked. Hope you understand between discussion and outrage shouting.
we give only these two choices.But today tniakg a plebiscite is meaningless because the Hindu population of J&K has been forced out from their homes.If J&K wants to have the third choice of total independence and if it is given, it will doubtless open the Pandora’s Box because many states in Pakistan and India would voice their desire to be independent, particularly the rich states including mine.Anyway, we are discussing hypotheses. A plebiscite is meaningless as a major portion of the Kashmiri population which was supposed to vote is no more in Kashmir. And Pakistan has not vacated the occupied part of the Valley as required as a pre-requisite to plebiscite.But hypothetically if the opinion poll is taken about choosing India or Pakistan, despite the rhetoric of the type you have written, the sane section of Kashmiri population will vote to merge with India because Pakistan is not worth merging with. I am sure Kashmiris know which side of the bread is buttered.
Also Delimitation of Assembly & Loksabha seats are not allow because of 370
Yes the Delimitation Commission of India recommends the number of seats for any constituency and 370 hinders its proper functioning. We hope by next delimitation commission(proposed in 2026) we take this issue on a serious note and try to share power in a proper manner between Kashmir and Jammu valley.
wrong information, and one thing I would like to you all Indians and rest world that we people of j&k are neither Indian nor Pakistani we want complete Independence from both Pakistanis, India and want Aksai chian back also which is under Chinese control, we were independent and we want independent country. time has destroyed everything, England is now like an island. umer sheikh agreed, 2 lakh kashmiri are killed by Indian army and you mention about pandits just 242 killed, why don’t you mention that Indian army and constitution used every weapon on Kashmiri’s and every force acts/rapes on Kashmiri’s, it’s biggest chapter I can’t end but Almighty ll end imperial rule in jk soon Insha Allah.
Brother Ahmed, You say you want to see J & K as a free state not govern by any side. If we accept this hypothetical situation in that case also will your state would be able to save itself from the attacks of Pakistan? You know India never forced Maharaja to Join India but when Pakistani forces attacked J & K then he was not able to save his kingdom from mere 5000 pathan terrorists. Now days Pakistan has one of the biggest army in the world. They spent 10% of their G.D.P on arms and ammunition. If any how you get freedom(which is illogical) the next day you would be under the command of Islamic state of Paksitan (Please note we are not criticizing religion here). Next story you know. More over you say about Indian Army so listen my friend AFSPA was implemented in J & K in 1990 when the peace loving people of your valley got involved in exodus of Kashmiri Hindu. The religious buildings were used to threaten innocent people and store arms and ammunition. Can you give me answer of one simple question why so many terrorists activity happens in J & K when other Indian states also shares border with Pakistan ?
wrong information, and one thing I would like to tell you all Indians and rest world that we people of j&k are neither Indian nor Pakistani we want complete Independence from both Pakistanis, India and want Aksai chian back also which is under Chinese control, we were independent and we want independent country. time has destroyed everything, England is now like an island. umer sheikh agreed, 2 lakh kashmiri are killed by Indian army and you mention about pandits just 242 killed, why don’t you mention that Indian army and constitution used every weapon on Kashmiri’s and every force acts/rapes on Kashmiri’s, it’s biggest chapter I can’t end but Almighty ll end imperial rule in jk soon Insha Allah.
I’m disappointed with the Indian pacitilol system. Just when you think things might be going well, economy might be doing better, they start to go back to playing all sorts of pacitilol games. Be it Congress, BJP or the communists (The communinsts CPIM, being the worst). I feel let down once again by Congress, I thought MMS would be good for the country and he was/is regarding the Economy. But unfortunately he has no guts standing upto his own party members in order to resolve the AFSPA. Why can’t they just get the army to step in and throw out the damn separatists, regardless whether they’re moderate or extremists. They’re nothing but a bunch of selfish elements that have no interest in creating peace in Kashmir, but rather want power and fill their pockets. I could go on, bottom line, they need the AFSPA in their, or might as well let go of J&K and allow the rest of India to fall apart one state at a time!
Dear Admin, Till we are occupied by India or Pakistan both the countries had to fulfill the demands of Residents of J&K. Let both the countries leave us. We are fully aware of our geographical potential and we have resources to build our country that is Independent J&K.
What is there in Article 370, it has been diluted from time to time. I assure u winning hearts is some thing different which neither Indians nor Pakistanis know. No one will ever conquer using miltary might.
Do u know the heaviest and densest military zone on earth is J&K.
Wish wisdom prevails both the countries and let both the countries care for the poor people rather than utilising half of its GDP on making weapons of mass destruction.
Some scars can never be washed off..we have half widows in this part of the world, Disappeared youths and the big scar is Kunan Poshpora where the professional army raped the women folk of whole village irrespective of age.
The only solution for current AFSPA is to co-operate with Indian Army and this is the only way. If AFSPA can be repealed from Punjab and Tripura then it can be repealed from J & K too. But it would require support form local people. Now if you all think that by being hostile towards army is going to ease your problem then you all are wrong. Next about Country this would be a dream Mudasir and it is a foolish demand that has engulfed many lives and it engulf more. The leaders on whose direction you are demanding country they are living luxurious life live in 5 star hotels of Pakistan and their Kids live and study in gulf country but what rest of kashmiri got ? Only violence. I would request to leave the arm fight and co-operate with Army. Rest choice is yours brother.
You mean surrender?
Did we used the word surrender? And why someone will surrender but there are means to reach out at some thing by means of talk. Hundreds are killed and many more will be killed from both side and do you thing you even progressed a single inch? Ok lets compare your movement with Indian Independence Movement, Over there British always agreed that they are outsiders and they will leave India at a suitable time. Also after protest Indian were allowed to represent in “Central Assembly’. Now think of this and compare it with your situation. How much you have progressed? If not 100 years then it is almost 50+ years. Reason because India never think Kashmir as a place she has forcefully occupied. Also those who shout UNO they should read that UNO never said in its deceleration India occupied Kashmir. It always said Indian Jammu and Ksahmir. Next brother Fayaz if you think UN to be the supreme authority then you are the biggest fool on this earth reason? Because western world always uses subcontinent for their use. US supported Paksitan to keep and eye on communist power of Russia and China. Now they clearly see Pakistan is tilted towards China may be they come out with another policy but that would be for their benefit not yours. Khuda Hafiz..
I suggest that some of you need to look at what haepnpd to the USSR, especially in the baltic states. USSR moved so many slav’s there that they outnumbered the locals. It did not stop the inevitable. The situation is even more difficult for you guys. Kashmiris have their own language, customs which are different to your’s from cradle to death. There is no mixing between your people. They don’t consider you their equal, just like the Estonians, latvians, etc wrt slav’s.There is one thing you need to be aware of, nowhere on the planet earth has an outsider ever replaced the locals, where the locals had critical mass…death or assimilation is the norm if you cannot run fast.The bottom line is i want to know how many of you will give up your foreign passports (or the dream of) to live in kashmir, knowning that at anytime a kashmiri will blow the brains of your boy away?
dEAR K.B.KALE SAHIBI am sorry to say, but if u had rather kenley read my post you’d have noticed that the point u r raising has already been raised and answered by me in the same post itself: if u go back to my ‘choices’ you will find there are actually no choices mentioned there. THIS IS THE MAIN POINT I WISH TO DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO when u say choose, u got to give options. when i say given choice’ i did not mention the options to choose from’.To put it simply:When options are1. India2. Pakistan3. Independencei will NOT go for Pakistan (i will choose Independence)But if options are1. India2. Pakistanthen i will go with PakistanIT IS NOT THE OPTION CHOSEN’ ALONE THAT MATTERS.THE VARIETY OF OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM ALSO MATTER.IN THE CASE OF THIS SURVEY YOU HAVE TO READ IT IN THE COMPLETE CONTEXT SO AS NOT TO GET MISLEAD BY THE RESULTS, PEOPLE SO VEHEMENTLY DEBATE ABOUT HERE.PS: People here discuss the issue using hatred for each other. I am the sufferer of Kashmir problem, but i still consider Indians and Pakistanis my lost brothers.You can be good patriots even without hating the other country and their folk.I hope i did not offend anybody here.
Let me know you that maharaja was not chosen by ppl of state he was just a crul hypocrite self made king of poor kashmiri ppl..e had no right to determine the fath of ppl.jawahir nehru made promise in sgr that ppl of jk will give right to self determination to choose their future but india is failed to fulfill his first pm’s promise this all proved that india is occupied kashmir by armed forces otherwise india knows himself very clear that india is a occupier nation
Nazir you can cook your own story that will please you and people like you but that is not going to change history and facts. It was Nehru, Indian and Its army that save the lives of Kashmiris and land from the wrath of Invaders and if we haven’t supported you then you would have been not here to write these comments. Go ahead with your fairy tale.
Forget it that the jammu and kashmir will become islamic state. What do you think that we jammuties will remain quite on yours propegandas. If india stops providing food supplies to you. Soon you will be on the right path….. kashmir belongs to india and remain with india till the destruction of the earth. That’s what you call quamat tak.
India is spending huge amount of money on defence while millions of people are sleeping without food.why endia created caos for its own ppl by not letting kashmir free and becoming a good nebour.
It is up to the people of Kashmir to use the money provided by India on development or on army. If you are going to support anti-national activities and confront with army then nothing good can come out. But if you co-operate with Army then may be in future you can see J & K a prosperous state of India.
@ knowledge of India, Why you are fooling people??,, Why you showing you are typical middle Class Indian who just to gain popularity or doing business(ofcourse once your website get famous you will start advertisemen for company) you know Well Indian easily fall in trap with hindu muslim or false story thats favour nation…
Shahid Khan who is fooling people? Just because you don’t have anything to prove you came up with accusation? To get famous doesn’t require your help or we can do it by our self and if we are right and providing correct info then one day we will. Can you provide the facts that the about laws and facts are not true ? We are writing about laws that are not effective in J & K and you all are writing Kashmir is independent and blah blah. Is this relevant here? Also where we have tried to create hateness among Hindus and Muslims? Just because you didn’t like facts doesn’t mean that it is spreading religious hatredness. You are behaving like typical political party of India.
Go to hell. You know nothing about jandk. Eg. .what was the conditions on which j and k was accessed in India. That too without the will of people.because they know the double face of rapistan. ..get ur statics right than post something on jandk. ..
Your comment shows your frustration and when a person is frustrated its better not to talk with them and nothing good can come out of it. And about our statics this article is written by us after reading multiple books and pages and those books and page would be more than what you have studied in your entire life so don’t ask to get facts right as they are already right. If you can prove facts wrong prove them but don’t cry that we will fight or we will do this that as that is not relevant to current article.
admin – same rules goes for J&K. if you didn’t let the people of Hydrabad and Assam to integrate them into PAKISTAN then how can you integrate J&K into India ? J&K is a disputed Territory and india Occupied it by Force.
Who are you to speak on behalf of people of Hyderabad or J & K. It is disputed territory because of internal politics of Indian politician. Once they overcome this then you will know the whole story.
At the time of partition, all settas were given only two choices viz. either join India or join Pakistan. If the choice of independence’ was also given, we would be having 50-odd settas of United States of India !The UN Resolution you referred to also had a precondition of Pakistan vacating its encroachment on the occupied part of Kashmir State that Raja Hari Singh merged with India. Pakistan never kept their part of the bargain! All Pakistanis who are good in history know this but feign ignorance!Anyway, today the erstwhile Hindus have been terrorized to flee their own State, so plebiscite is meaningless as a sizable part of the original Kashmiri population is in India.Anyway, if Pakistan ever vacates its aggression thus allowing the plebiscite to be taken, it will have to be for either merger with India or Pakistan.I hope this covers all areas of the arguments.The fact is that in the Chatham House poll hardly any Kashmiri on either side of the Line of Control has shown enthusiasm’ to merge with Pakistan. For Indians, it is not surprising, but difficult for Pakistanis to digest!It is time Pakistanis become introvert and try to get another freedom from the Military and establish a good democratic government so that there would be some enthusiasm amongst the Kashmiris to even consider a merger with Pakistan. It’s time Pakistan becomes mature enough to take corrective actions at home!
Y u r makin people fool…
Oh then please bring back people to right path by proving us wrong. Show us that what is written above is false and these laws are applicable in J & K. Show that IPC is the law governing body in J & K and Not RPC. Show that the provision of constitution mentioned about are applicable in J & K. Don’t cry Kashmir is free, we will fight and blah blah. If you can’t prove us wrong then please keep your mouth Shut and accept the facts.
It is not only your frustration but all of India.. You know the simple & straight forward fact written on the wall that kashmiris never wanted or supported Indian rule and never will be.. Kashmiris are fighting at every front against the illegal occupation of India..
Leave kashmir Save India..
Arshid you have confirmed that you are fighting against Indian then why you people cry when Indian Army take strong action against you? Why then of a sudden Human Right and Moral values comes into scene when you are not able to fight Army. First you should know your capabilities and then take action but you people are fooled by separatists leader who enjoy all the previlage from Pakistan, live a luxurious life and cheat you all. Mr Geelani’s daughter studies in Saudia Arabia and your child are fighting against Army. Is this not a discrimination ? Mr Geelani and Malik are welcomed in five sate hotel and you are fighting. You people were not able to handle a single attack from 5000 Pathans in 1947 and nor you will be able to save your land from current Pakistani or Chinese Army.
We are fighting illegal occupation politically and socially…
@Arshid: Till now we can see you people only fight by means of Arms provided by Paksitan. Anyways if you have thought that this issue will be solved by fighting then why to shout and cry when the same fight is done from Army? Don’t take a double standard and one more thing that the issue can solved by talks but no if yar are ready to sacrifice the life of innocent people then be it. What we can do our sole purpose was to bring the facts and we have not written this article that how to liberate Kashmir or occupy it. Rest is your wish. Keep Continuing.
StarWhy should the riilgeon of the Kashmiri people be a bar to their independence? You could put forward the argument that it would actually be great for there to be a buffer state between India and Pakistan, i.e put some distance between the two. If you get both India and Pakistan to agree to Kashmir’s independence I’m sure the Kashmiri’s would want to remove any Jihadists themselves and defend their own borders. This could take place under the auspices of the UN and the US which could act mid-wives to such an undertaking. The US because it has interests in both India and Pakistan and can act as an honest broker (for once). That then frees Pakistan from worries on her eastern front and would remove the excuse of not helping out NATO more in Afghanistan.@K B KaleYou are being disingenuous. First it was India who didn’t implement that original plebiscite and decided to absorb Kashmir into India instead. You then compounded your inconsistency by using a loaded question. I doubt if any new plebiscite with a limited choice would be considered fair by the Kashmiris or by the world community in general.
To all you so called supotrpers of AFSPA and those who indulge in arm-chair-general esque grandstanding (time to retake what belongs to the indian civilization, i will kill my child if he throws a stone at an indian soldier, make Narendra Modi PM, hang Hurriyat/Omar), and naming calling (traitors, shameless etc.).. Some realistic advice: No hearts have been ever won by armed presence: not in Kashmir, not in Punjab, not in Iraq, not in Chechnya, not in Gaza.. etc etc.. You can either slowly win the hearts of the people, or if they are too retarded to think straight/secular/forward, then you transplant & overwhelm them with more civilians. What good has Kashmir done India? Just brought us some bad intl face.. along with gujarat, babri, punjab, sri lanka and a bunch of other misadventures. The time for playing wannabe regional superpower is over. We have arrived. We are a regional superpower. We dont need kashmir. Ppl are rotting and lamenting in PoK anyways. I say, withdraw the AFSPCA, withdraw the major military presence, and withdraw/repeal any law/act that forbids nonkashmiri indians from settling in kashmir. Flood it with all kinds of ethnicity. There are enough refugees all over the place from all religions and races. Set them up. As the Chinese did with the Han in Tibet. No insurgency will work then. Use the budget saved in maintaining a military presence to fight the naxals and keep our hub cities safe. Kashmir is a lost cause. We have pumped so much money into that fat, spoilt, brat-state in the last 2-3 decades that they dont know what it means to be cut-off or weaned off economically. Let them become independent. They will be occupied by Pak, China or ISAF/NATO in a matter of months and will suffer military rule inevitably.And while we are at it, I propose all the bravado acts posting here pack their bags and go settle in Kashmir, along wth all Modi lovers and Thackerays and other rotten apples n our crate.. Sick and tired of the social rot we suffer.. along with political and communal rots..
No India No Pakistan, KASHMIRIS want free KASHMIR.
Ha ha the bullshit comment that every time everyone hears. If you are not in India then I guess forget about free country the name Kashmir will be doomed from Earth. Brother Juniad just remember one thing the day India keep its troops out of Kashmir you people would be eaten by either Pakistan or China. You talk about free country do you how much it costs to maintain a free country? There are free country in Indian subcontinent like Bhutan and Nepal and they are totally dependent on Indian for funds and Army? Nepal can’t even construct a railway line of its own and Bhutan requires Indian Army support to keep China Influence out. And example of Tibet you all would have seen (if you believe in study). I guess Maharaja was more educated then you guys because he knew the truth that if he doesn’t go with any one of then then he would be sandwiched between both. Anyways keep shouting “No India No Pakistan, KASHMIRIS want free KASHMIR.”
Mertz.. appreciate your view from the ouidtse.. yes killing of teenagers is never looked upon as vndcative by anybody who is sane, whether he is kashmiri, indian or even the soldier who does it. It’s an action that occurs on the spur of the moment and things can spiral out of control very easily. The avg indian soldier is not psych-trained to deal with such complex situations, and to his defence, even a 1st world force like that of the USMC/USArmy finds it difficult to maintain decorum. The simple fact is: ANY prolonged armed military presence will result in issues.. killings, rape, murder, corruption.. etc etc.. Its an inevitability. Call it Probability, Game Theory, or entropy or divine mischief at work. No goal of peace can be achieved by military presence and agenda.But surely you coming from Austria (I presume you are Caucasian, and not of external ethnicity), will know all too well.. ‘Raus, Juden, Raus’?
beef ban, azan ban, ghar wapsi, hanging of Muslims, exploitation of muslims in government jobs, reservation to Hindus only, gujrat/Mumbai/bagalpur muslim killings, babri masjid demolition, your per capita income, pollution levels, health care indicators & thousand other things stop us to be the part of your country india
@Malik Mehraj Khalid kisko chutiya bana rahey hai aap? ke baatey un bachho ko bataye jinko history naa maalum ho. Give me one example where Hindus get reservation in India. If you go for population then Muslims flourished in a better way in India then rest of the world. Don’t know then ask in USA, see the Middle East Countries, Syria, Yemen, Iran, Gulf war and list goes on. If you have used your brain in studying something logical then I guess you won’t be posting such misleading comment. I don’t know what you would teach to up coming generation. Next there are other minority religion in India but do they cry for reservation? do they say they have been discriminated? No so please read and make yourself an educated man that would help you. Rest Man is creator of its own destiny.
(((@Malik Mehraj Khalid kisko chutiya bana rahey hai aap? )))…. KOI, I think you are admin of this website? Then who uses this language….like chutiya? Has Malik Mehraj said any thing wrong? Beef ban, azan ban, ghar wapsi, selective hanging, reservation to Hindus only, gujrat/Mumbai/bagalpur muslim killings, babri masjid demolition, etc. are facts. Why you hesitate to accept it. Second, let others comment in the way they like but you as an Admin should have some decency.
Dr Nasir.. I guess you are not familiar with the comment history. I have been replying the same questions in my Facebook page too and that came from there. Anyways I agree we as human behave properly and we apologize for this. Next we never block anyone’s comment even if they are against us. We could have deleted your message instead of replying and seeking sorry… Next Beef Ban was from 1993 and I don’t see any harm if you don’t eat meat for 4 -5 days. If you care your religion then please give space to other’s too. and it was done for Jain festival. Please give me the name of Indian state where Azan is banned .. But if you say that removing loudspeaker means Azan ban then your have lost your path and you are misleading other too. Supream Court removed loud speakers but it was done form both temples and mosques. Next give me the name of Indian state where there is reservation to Hindu pleasse bring the news link or screen shot of job opening where reservation to Hindu candidate was given. In all the riots those who were behind it were either punished or they are under trial. Next you mentioned all incident and tried to earn sympathy for a specific community but do you know most of terrorist activity are carried out by which community? (Don’t take it as anti Muslim nor Me as communal). Also you described a lot of riots but forgot to mention the Sikh riots why ? were no causality was there? All you want to do is to gain sympathy of Muslim community by showing then minority/less educated/ jobless and playing politics on those basis in the same way the political party in India does. if Sikh can recover from Kalistan Movement and Anti-Skih Riots then why not Muslims? Sikh Constitute less in percentage as compared to Muslims then why to cry in the name of Minority? I have answered all your point one by one and I hope the same from you. And please next time come with facts and the screenshot/link that i demanded,
1) First of all, sir, I am confused how come have you infused Aasaram into debate? I was talking about RSS/BJP. And you don’t accept my so called allegation that India is ruled by RSS. Ministers of BJP gave power point presentations of their work done in previous year infront of RSS idiots. Tell me which constitutional provision or Rules of Business of House justifies this act? What can a man of average intellect infer from this act? I hope you won’t close your eyes if you won’t find any justification!
2) You claim that govt. can’t be criticized for mob frenzy and I know Law & order is a state subject. I don’t even criticize the mob who have killed that poor man for having mutton (not beef) few days back. But I object the ideology that have driven that mob frenzy and you know BJP is the chief driver of this ideology of RSS & Co. People become very touchy when emotionally exploited on the basis of religion which is the chief activity of BJP in election campaigns. So, have not I got the reason to criticize govt. though law & order is a state subject?
3) ((The money spend on J&K got multiplied by three(excluding Army expenditure ) but for other state it was not done in the same ratio.)) Sir, I can’t imagine such a vague statement from you. Money is spend from Consolidated Fund of India, Contingency Fund of India and Public Account according to the provisions of the constitution with utmost care of federalism and without discrimination. Though in case of natural calamities additional funds can be provided from Contingency Fund which is at president’s disposal. So please don’t make such irresponsible statements.
4). Regarding birth control of Muslims you can visit this link.
For God sake don’t say who is this yogi, he is no authority and bla bla bla. Don’t forget he is the minister of BJP govt led by Modi.
Dear sir, this debate endless. Just want one final clarification from you. You said: most of terrorist activity are carried out by which community? (Don’t take it as anti Muslim nor Me as communal). Please tell me which community is it?
Can you tell me any difference between RSS & LeT except their origins?
Their origin is different: One is Indian and other is Pakistani. But the similarity between these terrorist groups is that both carry out terrorist activities in India and kill Indian citizens. Maleogaon, Akshardam, Macca Masjid, Samjuta express, Ajmer blasts goes in credit of RSS and that of LeT you know better than me. Thank you.
Dear sir, this debate is endless. Just want one final clarification from you. You said: most of terrorist activity are carried out by which community? (Don’t take it as anti Muslim nor Me as communal). Please tell me which community is it?
Can you tell me any difference between RSS & LeT except their origins?
Their origin is different: One is Indian and other is Pakistani. But the similarity between these terrorist groups is that both carry out terrorist activities in India and kill Indian citizens. Maleogaon, Akshardam, Macca Masjid, Samjuta express, Ajmer blasts goes in credit of RSS and that of LeT you know better than me. Thank you.
Dr Nasir, I am very much disappointed by you. The only reason I was replying to you was that i found someone sensible but that was a myth. You accused the Government of India that azan ban , Hindu reservation, and birth control of muslim are carried out and I asked the “official” link/advertisement from Indian Government website or Gazette of India but you are providing me a your tube link? So do you think that in India laws are made on the recommendation from your tube? What is this Dr Nazir? If he is minister of BJP nad let us assume that he even become PM or CM in future is he entitled to make law just because he “wants” it ? No In India laws are passed once they are passed in both the house of Parliament but oh you are not Indian so how could you know that ? It is very dis appointing for me that I replied to your comment taking time from important work and then at the end you give me a you tube link. If I go by you tube hate speech for Hindu, Muslim, Jews, Christian are present shall I treat them as law? you said “Money is spend from Consolidated Fund of India, Contingency Fund of India and Public Account according to the provisions of the constitution with utmost care of federalism and without discrimination” so If India is not discriminating regarding release of funds then why you are not happy with India? What else you want ?Also the money in this fund comes from Taxes and Natural resource auctions so indirectly its India’s wealth and you use it and then says India is not my country? Omar Abdulla admitted in 2013 that state annual income was 6500 crore and while state annual liability on staff salaries was 13500 crore. Per capita Central assistance to other state moved from 576.24 in 1992-93 to rs 1317 in 2000-01. but for kashmir it went from 3197 to 8092 rs. But when compared to contribution to GDP the state contribution was less than 1% in India’s GDP. And yes these facts are not brought from youtube. These data are from j& K state budget document? Next The example of Asaram was just to show that Yes there are thugs but if proof are there then they are behind the bars and serving in prision even after Hindu so don’t say that only muslim are targeted. Regarding Indian Army I have already cleared my point so I am not going to have a debate with a person who dosen’t treat itself India, uses money from India and then criticizes the country on the basis of youtube. Have a great life ahead and please understand we reply but it dosen’t permit to reply on illogical comments and yes next time if you post a comment do provide the “official ” link from government stating “Hindu” reservation & “Muslim” birth control . not youtube.
was killed, cant go out to get milk for kids, we are thentaered” Lots of melodrama clearly visible. When asked for ID cards by police, people get aggressive and an instant a crowd collects. The policeman retreats. Next time he asks for ID cards, any aggression will be replied by stick. Thats what happens. Instead of co-operating with the police, people like to breed aggression. Why protest when you know that your protest wont make a whiff in the US, and when you know the forces are aggressive. But no, you cannot reason with a Kashmiri. And do not point fingers at the police, POLICE IS RECRUITED FROM THOSE REGIONS ITSELF.Restricted media in Kashmir:One line- read them and you will know why are they restricted.As a footnote, if the J&K populace cant co-operate for simple security checks, they are asking for trouble. We arevalready expecting too much out of the forces, lets not make things tough for them.Food for thought: 1)Go through the figures the army spends to maintain their forces in J&K for a day, figures run into 10^10. 2) Knowledge of stress levels encountered in the army personnel (officers and jawans).Should put some perspective into you.
Dr Nasir, Sir I don’t indulge in debate to prove I am right and someone is wrong. I am just putting my point rest is up to you and it should be up to you. The reason I said BJP was because I believe in change and Congress 10 years and apart from BJP no other was the option. In future if we have better option then BJP would be sidelined too believe me. Rest is up to you the whole reason of my article was to show how India is spending money in this region. Anyways it is up to you to take the situation I am too not satisfied with government policies but blaming government for every thing is not solution. we have to do something for our mother land. Though its not your mother land but for me I have to do some “social work” let it be education or anything. Anyways i hope you have a prosperous feature.
Thank you dear for your replies. And don’t call me anti-Indian. I have been residing in India (outside Kashmir) for last 10 years. My fault is that I can’t close my eyes like a pigeon on any wrong act by any one. Further I am Muslim by religion and a responsible citizen of India. I am not a nationalist/Jingoist or a patriot because both of these are outdated words with no relevance in today’s India. Don’t say HOW! It will take another series of replies. Thank you. Bye.
I guess somewhere in this shit we all are loisng out and conveniently forgetting several of the main issues. Some how all are subscribing to the idea that by asking the pay commission to increase the pay scales we will find the solution to the problems! However, very soon we all will realize that when the arrears of the pay will get over we will be back to square one! The need is to address the main agendas such as uplifting the status of defense forces, making the working environment within the organization more conducive towards growth and productive output, eliminating corruption, possibilities of lateral growth, tackling administrative problems in a time bound manner, and most important of all giving the actual due that one should get keeping in mind the service to the nation. There has to be a change in the mind set of the Army top brass as well as the Indian polity and the people as a whole otherwise one can actually see the results cascading into dangerous proportions. The downfall has already begun……the once prestigious institutes of NDA, IMA and the OTA are seeing unbelievable shortfall in the number of cadets reporting for training. This indicates the thoughts in the budding minds of the cream of the nation as well as their parents that there is no use in joining this so called ‘erstwhile noble’ profession as in the end it will only be despair that will be left in one’s hand.
Reservation to Hindus only because only Hindus have been victim of historical crimes against them.
Muslims, are not punished in India, but throughout the world because they commit more crime.
There has never been a ban on Azaan anywhere in India let alone Kashmir, merely a Pakistani Propaganda.
Ghar Wapsi – If you can convert hindus to Islam then vice versa is only logical. If you want to stop GHAR Wapsi stop conversion in the first place.
If Kashmiris dont want to be part of India that is their problem, India needs the KASHMIR territory for its strategic importance & every single Indian can sacrifice anything to ensure this. If you join mainstream you will benefit, else you will be victims to the whims of the Indian Army. Keep struggling, no one is bothered. We will never believe a muslim’s comittment that he can ensure safety of fellow KASHMIRI Hindus & Buddhists as you are proven liars.
This is great by Mr Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah for we kashmeri people to do this ARTICLE 370 . We always respect this great personality for every thing what he had done foe kashmir n people of kashmir . From my side a big salute for respected Mr SHEIKH MOHAMMAD ABDULLAH rip
We can understand the level of your frustration. The person who can can respect/ follow any one just to argue will result in you. Without studying if you can reach to this conclusion then I can understand the level of education that you carry.
This artcl also includes if a man from pakistan will merry a women from kashmir he will get the permenent citizenchip of j and k. a
We have studied all the provision and then only we came up with this.
Dear Dr Hamidwani,I can say that your suggestion looks like a loagicl solution and I could feel your honesty and sincerity in making this suggestion, but unfortunately it is more of a dream!Non-Muslim migrants are unlikely to return for the fear of their lives; the very reason they left in the first place. I have many close Hindu friends who have left in this way and they say they can never return unless there is peace first in the valley.So now it is a hen or an egg situation.If Kashmir is permanently split along the current LoC and if LoC is accepted as an international border and if the militancy, either orchestrated or genuine, stops, there can be no progress towards peace.Too many if’s, isn’t it?It is unfortunate, but that is the ground reality.
the indian people forget the stand sittle Agreement with Mahraja Hari sing . both the countries india and pakistan leve us free we want completely Right of Independances.
If you are not in India then I guess forget about free country the name Kashmir will be doomed from Earth. Brother Afzal just remember one thing the day India keep its troops out of Kashmir you people would be eaten by either Pakistan or China. You talk about free country do you how much it costs to maintain a free country? There are free country in Indian subcontinent like Bhutan and Nepal and they are totally dependent on Indian for funds and Army? Nepal can’t even construct a railway line of its own and Bhutan requires Indian Army support to keep China Influence out. And example of Tibet you all would have seen (if you believe in study). I guess Maharaja was more educated then you guys because he knew the truth that if he doesn’t go with any one of then then he would be sandwiched between both. Anyways keep shouting “No India No Pakistan, KASHMIRIS want free KASHMIR.”
FYI : india is already Eating them by raping,killing etc etc. PAKISTAN will not eat them.
Mahraja dont want to go with india nor with PAKISTAN. he was not authorized to integrate the J&K with India. Last Viceroy told him that you are ruling on a State which have Mjority of Muslims rather then Non-Muslim.
We hate to reply to a person who doesn’t have guts to revel his real name but since you have poked your nose so we will reply. Did you father told you story that Maharaja was not authorized to integrate J & K with India? He was king and he has all the authority. And why would Viceroy would tell that “You are ruling a Muslim dominated state” Did Maharaja was not aware of demographics of his own state? I guess Maharaja committed mistake by not seeking permission form a person named “dxman”.
Thanks KOI team for coming up with so much information. I may not be able to validate this informTion but I could not find a single comment whic Invalidate it , here I am assuming you haven’t blocked any comments. Also I went through all the comments and you have given befitted replies to all idiot , self-centered and intolerant people. They don’t realize the freedom they have, they can shout against the same India they are getting the food from. Even an animal respect them who feed them.
@Pradeep, Thanks for looking at our efforts and you don’t need to validate these as this article was not written in biased manner or hurting anyone. We just came with the provision that everyone should know. I know brother that it is hard to teach the real meaning of freedom to some arrogant people who dosen’t even calculate the amount of freedom they already have. They will cry and then blame others for destruction. See the situation of Middle east, are they not free? are they not the wealthiest nations on the earth? Are those countries not Islamic? but do they have peace? No and they won’t have because they don’t want peace to be on them. They can build a toilet of gold but they can’t help refugees. In the same ways these so called self educated, separatist leaders will suffer. We have not come here with article that “How to liberate Kashmir” or “India won’t liberate” Kashmir but in spite of validating theses they are shouting Free Kashmir Free Kashmir. This reminds me of Chanakya “Never Argue with fool people as they will bring you down to their level of foolishness and then defeat you by foolish logic.”
With due respect to your efforts, I would like you to reconsider this article. India IS NOT AT THE MERCY OF THESE FOOLS. If Kashmiris threaten they will revolt, let them. Pour in a million more troops & eradicate the kind that seeks secession from India. We have the means to do this & we don’t need any constitution provision for this. Both Nehru & Abdullah were scamists & their party has been looting their territories ever since Independence. Time is ripe to put an end to this drama & take measures to develop the lives of people who are proud to be Indians and not these ungrateful swines.
…2:43 AM Our concept of honuor, pride I fail to understand your concept of Honour & Pride. Where was your honuor when Kashmiri Pundits were massacred and driven out from the Valley in 1989. Today you talk of human rights but what about those little kids who fled to refugee camps in Jammu and Udhampur just because the separatists were raping and looting them. WAS THIS YOUR HONOUR & PRIDE? Okay – today you are trying a sympathy chord by sacrificing children like cowards by pushing them in front of the Police bullets. IS THIS YOUR HONOUR THAT YOU HIDE BEHIND WOMEN AN CHILDREN? IF YOU WERE NOT IMPOTENT EUNUCHS WE WOULD HAVE EACH CHILD SHIELDED BY ‘REAL’ MEN AND NOT HAVE THE PAK CONTROLLED EUNUCHS HIDING BEHIND THEM. Its easy to get children killed by pushing them in front and then creating an Human rights issue. Are these the children of the trouble mongers? No way? Their children are safe in Pakistan, Dubai or Australia.THE BEST WORD FOR SUCH COWARDS WHO PUSH CHILDREN AS CANNON FODDER IS ‘HIJDA’. ARE YOU PROUD OF BEING ONE? WHY AREN’T YOU CALLING THE KASHMIRI PUNDITS BACK INTO THE VALLEY? OR DO YOU CALL THEIR MASSACRE A MATTER OF HONOUR & PRIDE.You guys are getting away with this only because of the Italian Congress and corrupt IAS babus. Otherwise in these years after 1989 when you drove the hindus out of the valley into refugee camps in their own country the Govt should have woken up and removed Art 370. What would have happened ? Some protest and killings? Isnt it happening now? Needed that Political guts which is missing in this sly govt. In fact even now if the integrity of the Nation is being questioned the Govt should take a lesson from your mentors The Pakis. Bomb those areas where sepeartists are holed up. Remove Art 370 and move in the army. Instead of this prolonged proxy war lets have a face off. KASHMIR IS INDIA – No Questions. Dare Pakistan to enter when the Valley is being cleansed of the Devils. Why listen to this day in day out kich-kich of humnan rights violation and figures of 1 – 50000 people killed. Lets have one surgical strike. INDIA should demonstrate – DONT MESS WITH US. And belive me – KASHMIRIS HATE THE PAKIS WHO DISTRUST THEM AND THEY WOULD LIKE TO OPEN UP KASHMIR AS A SAFE HAVEN FOR TERRORISTS FROM SAUDI AND AFGHNISTAN.
I tried hard to find the answer, who are Kashmiri people fighting with ?? They have their chief minister, they have their land, they have their local government, their police system. They have everything a region wants to develop. Still they are asking for freedom ???? Do they really know what’s the freedom ? If so, Can anyone of them explain me ?
I saw negative comments from many Kashmiris belong to a particular community per User name. But didn’t find a single comments from Kashmiri pundits. I believe they belong to Kashmir as their identity suggests. Why did they flee from their own home and why ? Who did this and why ? If so called ” freedom seeking” people can answer this, they would find root of their problem.
Yesterday it happened with Pundits tomorrow it may happen with these people.
@Pradeep , the Exodus of Kashmiri Pundits is one of the major cause for implementation of AFSPA in the state and how could it be possible the the local were not aware that terrorists activity were going on? If you support terrorist activity then one or the other day that is going to eat you too. We had conversation with pundits of the valley and they told how the religious buildings were used to threaten people. Can these educated people who are here crying about freedom deny this fact? These people just comment here based on what their sentiments allow without checking the facts. Last year in Kashmir Floods how Army helped everyone know. At that time they forgot about freedom and started taking help from Army and once their life was secure they again started stone pelting on forces. I know everyone is bound to behave under certain restriction, but if someone helps you and you throw stone at them then don’t expect nice behavior from them.
All are not kashmiri’s.. By the way even people stayed earlier are also kashmiris why aren’t they allowed to enter Kashmir. Why did no muslim supported Hindus when they forced Hindus to vacate Kashmir.. Families were threatened.. Why dont people stop concept of darul islam.. Everytime they make up a story saying we are fighting for rights ??? I asked most of the muslims they say I dont know but we need our rights.. They say Kashmir should have article 370.. Our army men will be killed and beaten up why?? Dont worry you are not too far!! your own women will stand up against you and the day will near ending all the evil you did to innocent people by the name of religion.. Let god bless Kashmir.. Jai Hind 🙂
believe the government is trniyg that approach (labourers from different part of the country were brought in to work for the railway line project). One very major factor in bringing varied ethnicity would by allowing non-J&K residents to purchase property and develop it (modification of article 370). I think once the residents of the state see what they are missing out on, it might affect their mindset.But the AFSPA or the count of forces stationed there cannot be changed, atleast for the next 3-5 years. Any such act will probably lead to an influx of militants or destabilisation in the region.Another way out would be to make education compulsory in government institutes (all children to be educated only in government institutes). The teachers there should be such that the be able to show them the benefits of being an Indian state (I dont see benefit in being independent or going to Pakistan). Basically, in simple terms, “commy style brainwashing”.J&K people must understand, that they will never be able to have an independent entity. They have to be Indian or Pakistani. The simple reason for that is that we (Indians/Pakistanis) are too imperfect and have the “ready-to-pick-arms-at-the-drop-of-a-hat” (!!) attitude.@Kashmiri@0243hrsInnocent blood is shed everywhere. Ask the residents of Punjab (Op. Blue Star), they did get over it. I know that Blue Star is not at all comparable to the situation in J&K, but a solution needs to be worked out.Even we show ID’s in where we stay. Hell, we’ve all heard the American dialogue form Hollywood movies “can I see some ID please”. Its there everywhere, even we all will soon have our very own “Unique Identification Number “. “Our concept of honour, pride”. We do not understand, so please enlighten us. Being from a martial race, even we have our honour and pride. But what I think it is about is ego and religion. Please be frank and tell me this is not the case.
Look who’s is talking ….@ KIT
You are the people who was yourself under an illegal occupation of East India Company …for centuries.
It was the British who formed this country ..otherwise you would had been part of small regions fighting with each other.
While talking about history. .I think you should first look at it…as there are so many of your still living ancestors who had born in a slave country …so where we stand right now …few decades back you was at the same stage …It took you centuries to get that for granted freedom ..which British gave you on their own terms and conditions due to world war 2
..hope I don’t have to turn the history pages as you claim to be well versed with that ….
so dear friends don’t come to any conclusions by your own let the time decide the fate …which way it will turn ..no one knows ..
What we see today was not the same few decades before neither it will be after few decades …..
Here comes the most learned person of entire earth. You can go 400 years back in history then why not go further when Muslim (don’t think I am anti Islam) and Kashmir both were non existing term in India. The region used to be the northern border of Sapta Sindhu and people like owais and their ancestors were living some where in Middle East. We have learned from our past that how British used the differences and ruled our country. But we have learned more and now we are not going to commit same mistake that we did in 1947 in the name of Muslim appeasement and separate country. The issue is my brother people like you can’t be kept happy. You will always blame no matter any thing good is done for you. So keep shouting and at the end you said scene may change after few decades. I can assure you yes the scene will change and people will live peaceful once anti social people like you are not here.
By the way where did you come from ?? Did you travel from Arab to India.. Oh wasn’t Kashmir part of India in the British rule.. Who the hell said British formed this country.. This country was formed thousands of years back.. We are the ones who invented schools (gurukul), medicines (ayurveda), astrology, mathematics and astro science before even your religion was found.. LOL you are talking about India.. you should think before telling something.. If you cant accept the truth then please keep quite.. People wont entertain fake stories any more.. More important is congress is not ruling our country..
Thnx team KOI….
Welcome Dr. Shivam Gupta. It feels great when some one appreciates your efforts.
Thanks a lot KOI..
Sir after reading all these comments. , I got remembered
A phrase which says that
Coins do make lot of sound than currency notes.
Never argue with an half knowledge because they never listen to you.
And regarding kashmir, it is part of India and it will be..
Whatever the problems in j & k all because
Pakistan and those people who are supporting terrorism in the name of religion. ..
And I really don’t understand what these guys problem is…
No one can take away kashmir from India. .
Every indian has the right over kashmir. .
Thanks Sreekanth, We already know that giving any evidence or knowledge to people who have already prepared their mind to oppose us is not going to make a difference to them. But that doesn’t matter to us, why? because there are many people who need info about their country and we will continue to provide that irrespective of the small glitches created by people who oppose sovereignty of our Mother Land. Jai Hind..
Knowledge of India:::: This is a nice attempt to educate people regarding the constitutional relations between India and J&K. But the question is; what is wrong in these constitutional limitations? These are the terms and conditions of the agreement signed between India & J&K. If u like the agreement but not the terms & conditions, how can I help you then! And please don’t equate these terms & condition with development myth. Again don’t say this state and that state is yielding more honey than J&K on account of no constitutional limitations on central govt. It is really gruesome that since 1947 J&K could not be peacefully assimilated in to Indian union. The only reasons for that are dumb political policies of India towards the state and highly undisciplined & morally corrupt army of India which has created a strong sense of hatred against India. I think 60-70 years are more than enough for peaceful assimilation. Govt. of India will be run by RSS type organizations and you expect full support from Kashmiris! I don’t know how it will happen! The present conditions in J&K will go on & on, generation after generation, unless that conducive atmosphere exists in India which lures people of J&K to willfully abide by all laws of India keeping aside Article 370/35A. Thank you.
Dr Nasir, Thanks for providing your valuable info but we disagree with you on some point. Let us put them in front of you and we will wait for your reply.
1: Regarding political parties of India, we agree that many/most of them are corrupt other wise we would have assimilated the region into Indian mainland. But pointing out finger to Indian Army is a shameful act and we are not going to tolerate. Its not Indian Army wish to stay in J & K but the condition created by J & K people faced government to ask army help. What people of J & K achieved by supporting terrorists ? Answer is AFSPA. I do agree that few times army has acted in Inhuman way but they were punished for that. If you think that you will won against 4th largest Army of the world thin its a day dream my brother. Also if Modi was/is from RSS it doesn’t give you authority to say India is Run by RSS. What would be your point if the same was by congress? Would you say that India is run by/from Italy?
1). But pointing out finger to Indian Army is a shameful act and we are not going to tolerate………… This simply shows your obsession of “Nationalism” and Indian Army. It simply shows how badly we have changed from the welfare state to security state. We brutalize in the name of security. Mr. Admin do admit it: Indian army is morally down which is not unexpected, because those persons get pushed into Army who are not worthy of any other job. If you are so much educated why did not you opt for army? Do admit it that 90% of them are uneducated and mostly uncivilized. So any shameful act done by them with arms in their hands is not unexpected (you might have heard about Kounan Poshpora mass rape in my Kashmir).
2). J & K but the condition created by J & K people faced government to ask army help………. You are the first person to admit that Indian Army is in J&K to control people not to save people from terrorists. Brother, I salute your honesty. Till now I never felt that people are creating such conditions, if it is so then India should leave J&K. Is it the hallmark of a democratic republic Nation to occupy any place against the will of the people living there? Otherwise, accept the fascist nature of your nation.
3). RSS/Italy: Why am I not authorized to say that India is run by RSS? (((Cabinet ministers give power Point Presentation of their work done to RSS terrorists))))… Tell me how will a man with an average intellect interpret this behaviour of Modi govt.? Simply he will say India is run by RSS.
Please admit it, if you are a man of good intellect & leaving your emotional attachment aside, Modi govt. is a puppet of RSS and India is heading towards a deep social as well as economic crisis.
Dr, Nasir, If i support Indian army and condemn any one from criticizing it then there are few reason for it. You have concluded the behavior of Army just on the basis of one state and that is like seeing one side of Coin. Indian Army is stationed in Punjab, Rajasthan and other Indian states do you here any wrong doing by them? Second Do you know what the definition of AFSPA is or why it is implemented? It says that sometimes Army has to act against the people of its own country because the people are against the integrity of Nation and here people refers to those who support Pakistan or Terrorists and they are Indian subjects. The same is done on state level by police if they go against law then police arrest citizen. So if the citizen go against the integrity of Nation then yes they will have to face difficulty and this is story of every nation existing on this earth. Next I admitted that army had committed mistakes in J & K and for that army personal were punished but does the mistake of few army men gives you authority to criticize an organization of 1.6 million people? ASFPA has been removed from Tripura why ? because there was reduction in terrorists activity and the day army personal were retreating an ambush killed 18 soldiers but you have special glass that doesn’t see those 18 people all you can do is cry. Indian army is major contributor of UN peace Keeping force. You are lucky that you have privilege to reply/debate with us in a room with internet connectivity but go on border in -50 centigrade for 6-12 months away from your family firing. Then once you came in J & K you are treated with stone and anti-Army slogans then you save the same people from flood and then again you get stones and all the fault is of Army. That is the sad part of story my brother…Third About RSS/Modi and other political party of India and government. first let me clarify I ma not supporter of BJP/congress or AAP. but what option we have? We have 10 years of congress rule. now either you can again go with Congress or choose a different alternative. Indian election are too complex then that of USA brother and if you try to be clean then you are not going to win(don’t think I am justifying anything). This is India here politics can be done on changing the name of road then big issue are bonus. Religion plays a major role so as the caste why? because people like us who try to gain sympathy of a specific community by showing then the left one or the discriminated one. For me If India can prosper in the hands of Congress or BJP i will support that if it is done by RSS i will support that. If it is done by A Muslim Party I will support that but don’t think I am going to support any wrong doing done by them. See the condition of Bihar i don’t say that bring BJP as it is angel party but at least don elect someone who has already ruined the state fro 25 years. My office(organization where i work) has one boy less than 18 years of age. I asked from where you are he said Bihar. Does that boy is going to get benefit from RSS/Congress and any other party? Does AFSPA or any other law has any meaning in front of that boy? We only see the problem and for us our problem is the biggest on this earth. You are the first person from whom i got some sensible reply other wise the busy schedule doesn’t allow us to reply in such a long way. Anyways you have your own opinion and i have my own. I would only suggest you please try to keep humanity alive not Hindu/Muslim.
1) You admitted that army had committed mistakes in J & K and for that army personal were punished. But you don’t know how many atrocities have been committed and how many and who has been punished. List is too long. And India is not in position to do justice with people of my Kashmir. Believe me people of J&K are not so bad, just the unbridled activities of army have created deep sense of hatred in their hearts against India. You are an outsider, you don’t have correct picture of J&K in your mind and I guarantee it. For your views you have to rely on media reports and You know quality of media reporting.
2) For you If India can prosper in the hands of Congress or BJP you will support that if it is done by RSS you will support that. If it is done by A Muslim Party you will support that but don’t think I am going to support any wrong doing done by them. Tell me frankly, don’t you feel BJP/RSS and Co. are on wrong track. Have not these thugs destabilized the congenial atmosphere of India for winning elections in the name of prospering the country? I can’t find any reason to see BJP rule in other state where elections are nearing. Have you got any reason? Please let me know. For me parties like Congress and others are bunches of thieves who looted this country but BJP & Co. are both thieves as well as communals. Which is more dangerous; a double edged knife or a single edged one? I prefer the safety of the citizens over prosperity and hope you don’t prefer slaughter of innocent citizens over faux prosperity as promised by BJP/RSS.
KOI: These are the moral values of your army and the irony is that you feel proud of such moral values.
I would like to hear from you regarding this.
I am a Kashmiri living in Indian part of Kashmir.i rcepest all the views expressed here. people living in india and pakistan try to draw their own conclusions from the survey.as a state subject, given choice, i would NOT prefer to join Pakistan. apart from religion there seems to be no reason for this bond and if i have to go by the religion then I am better of with Indonesia or Saudi Arabia or Malaysia or a host of other countries that are at the top of the list than to go to the bottom of the list.this is what the survey has shown, but let us not draw conclusions at this point. let us take one more step and then analyse the results.if u go back to my choices’ you will find there are actually no choices mentioned there. THIS IS THE MAIN POINT I WISH TO DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO.everybody is highlighting the 2 percent figure, but if u r honest then u need to juxtapose this 2% with the 95% figure as well.if I am given to choose from independence or Pak I will surely choose independence, but at the same time if I am given to choose from India or Pak I will choose Pak.Now try to draw conclusions from this!
First of all, I would like to really thank my friends from Kashmir who have commented and an excellent job executed by KOI Team to bring all of us on the same platform of discussion,bcoz I am confident that if we speak and clear out our disputes, nations like India and Pakistan can also do it one day. But sooner the day comes, it is better for not only Kashmiris(be Muslim, be Hindu), but for all of us Indians. I came into this highest sensitive debate bcoz I am reminded of two contradictory incidentd in my life.1.A bright Kashmiri guy comes to my house every year to sell shawls. Last year, when he was returning home, I invited him on lunch. While conversing, I told him that I visited Ajmer Sharif dargah few days back with my friend, Syed Danish Ali bcoz I though a Hindu by faith,have huge devotion to the place. So do my friend Syed Danish has in temples.I saw an expression of disbelief in my Kashmiri friend’s face and he questioned me sarcastically “Your friend??? Muslim??? & you have gone to Khwaja Garib Nawaz? My Kashmiri friends, plz pardon me, but I couldn’t control myself at that point. I showed him the real picture of how we Hindus & Muslims stay in rest of India inspire of Babri Masjid,inspite of Mumbai blasts, inspite of BJP or Congress. We are happy,and I requested him to change his mind set. I realised that if I would have been under similar surroundings, I would have also thought in the same spectrum. But I would request you guys also who are from Kashmir to think on these lines. Let us cross into each others borders of both social and cultural spheres. I bet you will realise if not say openly, that we are same. Silver lining is in my second incident. 2.Someone was talking about Indian Army I believe.Few months back, I had gone for an SSB and I got the return of my efforts to extend my hand to the bright Shawl seller. I saw two Kashmiri guys who had come after qualifing such difficult exam to join the INDIAN Army. Unfortunately I got conferences out but one of them got in. During my conversations with them I found a complete changed thought process which believed in progress of India since independence compared to that of Pakistan and even our J&K,whose backwardness as per them was very mismanaged State Building by the politicians since independence. I heard from them that be it would have been properly guided, J&K would have really a crown of India(which still we believe it to be for us inspite of all this). My request is not to let these businessman or manufactures of bullets to sell their product(mal bechne aur Nahin dena hai) to us in the name of religion. Thanks for ur patience in reading the whole. JAI Hind.
Somshubhra Purkayastha:::: I deeply respect your intentions. Like your friend you mentioned, I have visited a number of temples (may be more than you) including char dhaam of Badrinath, Dwarika, Rameshwaram and Jaganath and also Kedarnath. Communal thugs are present in all communities and that is not the problem. But the problem erupts when the elected govt. (like Modi) becomes the puppet of these thugs. The Modi team as a puppet furthers the ideas of Beef ban, Ghar wapsi, birth control of muslims, targeting of minorities, etc. and yesterday killing of a man for alleged beef eating. How can you expect people like me to accept India as their country?
Second, don’t say J&K is backward compared to other states of India. It is a myth. In our J&K you will never see a residents of state sleeping on roads for want of houses, every one possess his own land, no one here dies of hunger, here laborers are getting the wages 3 times the wages given in other states. To reach the standard of living of people of J&K other Indian states still have to travel long.
Dr Nasir, I agree communal thugs are in every community. But you can’t say that a government is running by these. Asaram is still in Jail. For your few allegation I replied to that in previous answer and i would be waiting for your answer. Next please give me the link of notification from central government where it says birth Control for Muslim. I would start writing an article criticizing Modi government. Killing of man on suspicion of Beef is a wrong but a mob mentality is dangerous and this was not new. People try to gain advantage by these incident. And this is not new. If you remember last year the same mob killed a person in Assam on the suspicion of rape. You are doing the same thing trying to criticize a government for wrong doing of Mob and when the police is state subject. If you criticize central government for some activity done in state then you are wrong. These are subject of state government and he should have ensured to keep the family safe. And if going by your point that Center should be criticized for lawlessness in state then why you criticize Modi for 2002 then you should criticize BJP government and at that time he(Modi) was not a big leader in BJP. You have full authority to do what you wish to even if you don’t think India as your country don’t think that. In my past reply I told that J & K is prosperous because the amount of fund that Ceter gives to this state. The money spend on state got multiplied by three(excluding Army expenditure ) but for other state it was not done in the same ration. It can give you the news article. Your state even can’t pay the taxes and money that it takes from center and still you complain India never did any thing for state? DO read misuse of funds in J & K by CAG of India. The wages that government gives to labors here is the money it get from center and which it never repays. Read Omar Abdullah interview with TOI on 8th September 2013. India can’t purchase land in Valley but you can. You should be happy that you get these privileges and money from country and then you says that you are not ready to accept it as your country. I am really happy for you that knowing all the facts you are anti-India. I usually never reply to those comment but For you I specially devoted some time. Hope you understand the importance of time because for me as India there are many other issue with which My country is suffering and I need to bring that. But for you there are no concerns as you don’t have any country so no issue. You are just using the opportunity enjoying the money and still not recognizing it. Stay blessed
1) First of all, sir, I am confused how come have you infused Aasaram into debate? I was talking about RSS/BJP. And you don’t accept my so called allegation that India is ruled by RSS. Ministers of BJP gave power point presentations of their work done in previous year infront of RSS idiots. Tell me which constitutional provision or Rules of Business of House justifies this act? What can a man of average intellect infer from this act? I hope you won’t close your eyes if you won’t find any justification!
2) You claim that govt. can’t be criticized for mob frenzy and I know Law & order is a state subject. I don’t even criticize the mob who have killed that poor man for having mutton (not beef) few days back. But I object the ideology that have driven that mob frenzy and you know BJP is the chief driver of this ideology of RSS & Co. People become very touchy when emotionally exploited on the basis of religion which is the chief activity of BJP in election campaigns. So, have not I got the reason to criticize govt. though law & order is a state subject?
3) ((The money spend on J&K got multiplied by three(excluding Army expenditure ) but for other state it was not done in the same ratio.)) Sir, I can’t imagine such a vague statement from you. Money is spend from Consolidated Fund of India, Contingency Fund of India and Public Account according to the provisions of the constitution with utmost care of federalism and without discrimination. Though in case of natural calamities additional funds can be provided from Contingency Fund which is at president’s disposal. So please don’t make such irresponsible statements.
4). Regarding birth control of Muslims you can visit this link.
For God sake don’t say who is this yogi, he is no authority and bla bla bla. Don’t forget he is the minister of BJP govt led by Modi.
Well, one would not like to carry Identity cards when coming out of house, say to buy some salt and then taken to task by sruteicy personal and punished like school kids, corporal punishment, in Free India and of which Jammu & Kashmir is a integral part, which is even opposed in schools.However, if this should mean that Security forces should be deprived of protection legally, Answer is a loud ‘NO’So should the controversial problems continue again a loud ‘NO’.There needs be sensitization of the forces , which is done always.There should be impartial look into cases of misuse of power ( When politicians do this and are let off, people are happy to accept and even love them), however, army has been known to handle this well and in cases possible appropriate action has been taken.After all people of my country are involved as sruteicy forces , who have left their families behind somewhere in a different part of the country and are protecting public elsewhere and as public.So while political interests and Traitors who are in favor of people across the border misguiding our masses are misguiding our public. This protest is due to problems due to local governance issues , but only by virtue of it’s position has taken the form of the protests we see, children who don’t know of the past and by the way of protests who are they supporting, what should they be actually pretesting against and whom and that the country is larger than they think and they are part of it, who have been kept in a well when they can swim in the sea.
To all who proclaim the Kashmiri curlute is different …thats crap thats been filled in your head…..unless your curlute is radically different from what happens elsewhere…thats just the way curlute grows…..physical proximity implies there will be cultural similarities…India didnt annexe kashmir….while u were trying to decide..pakistan (your saviour) tried to take it by force…and thats when the ruler asked india for help and signed the papers (oh yeah..that hindu ruler…i’m sure the muslims would have preferred to have the pakistani army invade..)about the plebiscite….go find out the conditions for it…Pakistani army withdraws..it still hasnt and it has changed PoK demographics by bringing in people from other parts of Kashmir…whereas indian govt does not allow people from outside to settle…not discourage…it does not allow it..plain n simple….Independent Kashmir…i suppose u want an islamic kashmir….forget the minorities that lived there (we drove em out..so its no longer their land)…..And i suppose the people of this Independent state will generate enough revenue to support its own military and police and administration…nestled between India n Pakistan…but i suppose it could still be used for Pakistani purposes such as launching terrorists into India….or will the new country ask for foreign help if Pakistan tries that…
Thanks Dr. Nasir, atleast you accept India as your country or not, you accepted that J&K is much prosperous state by the developments done by India.Now it is totally upto your wisdom that the country which is feeding you ,saving your life in disasters and safekeeping you,you will be on her side or not. I am reiterating my request don’t fall pray to those bloody bustards who are feeding by sucking your blood and misleading you by spreading the rumours of”the birth control of muslims”.Family Planning is a need not for only Muslims/Hindus/other religions, it’s the need of all Indians and as a doctor you should advocate it more than me.
Dear sir your above comment is making much noise because of its too much emptiness.
1) J&K is much prosperous state by the developments done by India:::: Do you want me to consider it as a favour done by India to people of J&K?
2) Who told you that country is feeding me? Be it India or any other country unless I work, I can’t get food.
3) Neither I fall pray to any one’s propaganda nor am I misled by rumors. Regarding birth control I have provided the link in the above comment or here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTeNgjBcNJw See what this moron of BJP has to say.
Mr Admin Kashmir is Like a hell but made it hell the dirty poltician of india kashmir and pakistan made kashmir Hell.No one is Telling Truth About j&k.People Like you Always Share the lie or Half truth with Common people and later the common people will Face Difficulities like communal voilence Because of Your half truth.In modern world jammu and kashmir issue is very rough and Tough Issue Because of wrong knowledge and wrong understanding between Common people.The common people’s are suffering from that voilence.And the poltician are gaining their fake support from public.Jammu and kashmir is Depend on Power.india is in kashmir because of its miltary power and it will be under india till india is powerful.But In future If india Go for war with Any country that time kashmir will make india weak Because Indian most of miltary is kashmir.What miltary will do that time Should they Save kashmir or Country?.This will be Question in Every Indian what we will Do that time?
One more thing admin i am not against the india.
One Survey said In 20 States of india”if any communal voilence happens and curfew imposed for more than 100 Hours after 100 Hours 70% people cannot Live under curfew more than 100 hours.
But In kashmir Survey Proved That In state Jammu and kashmir 85% people can live under curfew for Months.Even We have evidence also in some past years Curfew imposed for months But People was Comfortable During These months.
… Our old generation was … You rellay think the Pakis are worried about the Kashmiris. They feel xenophobic about the Sindhis whom they call the Mohajirs and the Kashmiris and the baluchis and the Pathans.They want Kashmir on the boil only to bleed India with a thousand cuts. Our Italian Congress and IAS Babus aid them by their impotence and penis envy of the Armed forces. In Pakistan your so called brethren go about aerial bombardment of Baluchis and in the NWFP. So either your post is mischievious or propoganda. The children dont have to be scared of the Indian Army. The Indian Army has the best human rights record in the world. The only people who would like to sully that by rumours are the Italian Congress, The IAS babu and The ISI. If (though this is fiction) the Pak Army marches into Srinagar then Allah help the Kashmiris. I think they have learnt their lesson after the Pakistani military raiders entered Kashmir in 1948.Kashmiris will survive only with India. Break away and you can condemn your people into the dungeons of HELL. After the honey moon period they will screw you and then bomb you as like they are doing in NWFP and Baluchistan.TAKE YOUR PICK SIR.
Thank you team KOI for ur efforts.. I have read most of the comments and thank you for being so kind for replying though not worth when someone is not willing to understand and accept the facts.. I am just worried about 2 ancient civilizations of ours which is now in Pakistan(if I am nit wrong).. it is a historical place for us and has facts of our existance but in wrong hands.. Please do keep up ur work..
demographics are somewhat difefrent. The first people to migrate to a place are the economically weaker strata (like daily wage workers). Yes they will be fairly reluctant, but the lure of good money is reason enough for them to risk it. But before that happens, tensions in Kashmir need to be eased. And customs are not too difefrent. Kashmir does have a very high ratio of muslims, but that dosent change much. And we are not trying to replace the locals, just dilute them somewhat so that they know that things are better if they (the populace of J&K) behave like normal Indian citizens, and so that there is economic competition such that they divert themselves from being “ready to pick arms” to “busy earning bread and butter” (a laymans thought).The biggest challenge though would be to change the mindset of the residents to be Indians (they dont consider themselves to be). For that I wonder what the government will be able to churn up (diluting AFSPA is not the answer).I dont know what sort of misinformation do the Kashmiris get, but India will never ever part with J&K, reasons are many. They either live the way they currently are or they accept India to be their motherland.
absurd… the way ppl deny facts abt j&k sometimes makes for a funny read….pakistan cannot even look aftr itself and it wants to rule kashmir… nice play…
Indian Army is well equipped to protect its entire territory from Kashmir to Kanyakumari.Any invasion from any side will be delt strongly. Our Army is habituated to handle both Kashmiri and North Eastern Terrorists at the same time through ages. Moreover now when the entire world depends on Indian armed forces for their citizens to be rescued from Yemen, the abilities of Indians are beyond any question.Even United States who utilised Pakistanis as their brokers since independence,has tilted towards India. So each Indian who can pay tax and help those states who can not even pay their taxes and live on grants from centre, can also join hands anytime to save his/her mother’s dignity.JAI Hind.
Knowladge of india
Plz tell me who many points in democracy & explaine What is democracy.
Terririst activities done in kmr becoz india forceably take kmr under his control
Next point
We throw stone on soliders but they through gun fire on kmri inocents( this is indian democracy)
see how many kashmiris killed by indian army
In short kashmir was never a part of india
dear brothers…. every one has given n expressed their views n thoughts about this oppressed valley……. I would like to say the majority 99.9% of kashmiri people want freedom n want a separate nation neither to dpnd on India nor on Pakistan… and the people who r singing songs about India n pak are bloody hypocrites who have always disrespected the sanctity and the innocence of their own daughters n sisters, that sanctity n innocence that was always torn by army personnel’s( terrorists in uniform) .. our resources are looted by Indian govt. they ( Indian govt) hv no intention of dvloping jk or to protect us from d mighty army of pak, but only to loot our resources to benefit their own Indian puppets… take the example of hydroelectricity generated here , most of northern states of India are benefitd by our elctrcty and we ourselves hv to pay hefty amounts to get a min.of that back for our use…. what is this
abolish 370 ,,,so that all are at the same level…. these kashmiris are doing more harm to us,,, send them to POK
Kashmir will always be a part of India….accept it….it has always been a Hindu territory,,, these bloody Muslims took it from us forcefully,, we will keep on crushing ur revolts,,, either u leave Kashmir or stay under our guidelines,,,,, and all those Kashmiri pandits, who have been thrown out of Kashmir,,,because of islamization, will be relocated to Kashmir,,, India is a secular nation,,, if u Muslims can’t live in harmony,,,, better migrate to POK,, amongst ur Muslim brothers,,,, or to some other Muslim country
Everyone here had put forth his or her remarks on Kashmir. Kashmir was never and would not be any so called integral part of India,,Pakistan or China. It is a disputed territority recognised by United Nations and endorsed by both India and Pakistan. India’s late PM Honble Pandit Nehru himself moved a memorandum in the United Nations not once but multiple times to declare Kashmir as a disputed territory. So anybody’s idea of considering it somebody’s integral part is complete nonsense. Back to 16th century when Akbar the Great ruled about whole of the South Asia, Kashmir was indepenedt at the times. We should not give a communal color to the indepenedt movements of Kashmir. Everybody here had given the warmblood to save the motherland from external aggression that included Muslims Hindus,Sikhs, Christians and others. Most of the replies mentioned that Kashmiri Pandits were forced to leave from here in 1990, it was only Governor JugMohan who is responsible for all this mess. How many of the Pandits got killed by Local Muslims who did not migrate in 1990, probably not a single one. All such families are living happily since 1990. How many of the Pandits who are working in Govt Departments in farflung areas got killed from 2004. Not a single one. Who killed 2 lakh Muslims,,,everybody knows and endorses it in print and electronic media, although it is always biased in Kashmir. Who loves Kashmiri, be a Hindu,a Muslim or Sikh,,probably no one ,not India nor Pakistan. Kashmir is the water and tourist hub of South Asia. Both India and Pakistan had an eagles eye over our resources. Lots of Hindus were killed by India,,and thousands of Muslims by Pakistan during all the three wars fought between India and Pakistan. No one is our friend. Thousand are here being killed,kidnapped,raped,torchered, and abused by Indian Army in the name of national security. Had they been the Pakistani rangers ,they might have repeated the same story. Kashmir is a separate state,and it is not anybody might to rule it for ever. It will always resist to external oppression, whether oppressed by European or Asian countries. We had separate language,culture, lifestyle irrespective of the religion over here. But the communal forces had somehow sucesseeded to certain limit in vomiting their venom on the religious grounds and some people had fallen prey to them, both Hindus and Muslims. But we are hopeful that one day all the inhabitants will consider only them selves as only human beings and Kashmiri’s ,then we will get freedom from the atrocities and claws of slavery…..
Knowledge of India team do contact me
Hello KOI. It feels really nice to see you people replying each comment back. I want to say that I am going for a MUN conference (Model United Nations), where I would be representing LK Advani in Lok Sabha. The discussion topic is article 370 and how it ruined the state. I would like to use some really aggressive points. Any help would be highly appreciated. My vote of thanks.
Hi Vanaj,
It would be my pleasure to help you. Please let me know how I can help you and what exactly you want from us? You can drop mail with all your requirements in our mail box.
Thanks for the prompt reply. I would like to ask- What is the current stand of the BJP for article 370? What would a leader, like Advani, say in the Lok Sabha regarding article 370?
See for knowing current state of Article 370 you can take help of newspaper and books. What is the stand of BJP on 370? it is a very tough question to answer as it is very difficult to remove 370 even if BJP gets majority in both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. Also any talks on removal of article would cause widespread violence in valley which is to be taken care. Central government can’t remove 370 unless it is passed in the assembly of J&K and which is very tough thing to do as people living in Kashmir valley won’t allow it to happen. Regarding Lal Krishna Advani you can see video on youtube.
what are the impacts of article 370 on indian security?
I as an Indian say that we must leave Kashmir and let them go to hell but not Jammu and Ladakh as the poor non Muslims will be butchered and decimated like what happened in Pakistan after 1947 . These people do not understand peace and humanity and so many soldiers have lost their lives but they are not humans according to them . The masters of these Kashmiri protesters are not passionate freedom fighters but slaves of ISI who are paid very handsomely they suck money from both sides and never put their lives on line . Let there be no army in Kashmir valley let Pakistanis loot them and make them slaves of their Islamic law and they will then realise the meaning of true freedom that we enjoy in India . Let me tell you Kashmiris that I have been to Kashmir and from Uttarakhand which is as beautiful but that does not make you great states like Punjab Maharashtra and the southern states are so progressive and people are so hardworking and that’s why are better off so it will be great to see Pakistan or it’s great communist friend China walk over you as you cannot defend yourself against them you won’t be able to even throw stones at them I really want to see that in my lifetime
You are right that we must let kashmir Valley to Burn in Hell but that is not a solution. We gave half of J&K to Pakistan and what we got in Return? Next if we will give Kashmir they will start infiltrating into Jammu and Ladakh Region. Its time to teach them lesson and I am glad that Indian Defense Forces are already giving them befitting reply. These Idiots don’t know if India pulls back its Arm support then they would be engulfed by Pakistan and China. In our one of article we even described how much India spends in Development of J&K and if you compare that with the money spent by China on Tibet or Pakistan on POK one will get clear reality. Still they don’t understand. Only God can help them and it seems that currently even God is also not interested.
Jai Hind